How To Stop MODEM from Auto Disconnecting While Surfing the Internet - Dammybas Blog

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How To Stop MODEM from Auto Disconnecting While Surfing the Internet

How To Stop MODEM from Auto Disconnecting While Surfing the Internet

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For a couple of weeks, I have been receiving messages asking for solution to Modem's auto disconnecting while using Simpleserver BIS tweak. Its probably a new method by MTN to try to throttle data usage while using their BIS. Not to worry, there is a solution to still keep you surfing the web hitch free.
ReConnect is a PC software created by NToolz that automatically reconnects a disconnecting ADSL or dial up network. This app is very lightweight and doesn't need installation. Just run it and voila! Whenever your modem disconnects, it automatically reconnects it back for you before you can even blink. It has many features including Auto boot with windows, minimize to System tray amongst others. Note that it works on virtually every Windows version including the new Windows 10.

How To Use Reconnect:
==> Download Reconnect (Alternative Link)
==>  Run the "Reconnect.exe"
==> Click settings button 
==> Make Sure your corresponding profile name (e.g MTN) is selected in the drop down menu named "connection"

==> Click OK and connect your modem and enjoy hitch free browsing.  

 If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment below!! Happy Surfing!!


  1. Thanks boss.. It really works. I really appreciate.

  2. My idm auto reconnect is not working

    1. I don't understand, is it your idm downloads you are talking about? if so, this app should solve it.

  3. Open the Reconnect app
    Go to settings,
    Click the Dropdown Menu called "Connection"
    Make sure you select the same profile name as that in your Modem.
    This should solve it.

  4. hi Dammy bas i like d app and it worked for me............. do u play bass guitar also

    1. Good to hear.

      I don't play Bass guitar ..LOL

  5. In my dropdown menu dere's no option even when connected to my Modem, plz advice. Thnks

  6. In my dropdown menu dere's no option even when connected to my Modem, plz advice. Thnks

    1. What modem are you using?

      Just create a new APN, name it MTN, fill in the details and set it as default for connections. Go back to reconnect, you'd see MTN in the dropdown menu

  7. sorry please i dnt understand the password

    1. Leave the username and password as it is... No need to change anything.

  8. thanks for the help bro but not working for me.. it keep saying no connection is available while am already connected to mtn.. i suspect my moden though cux it is an unlock modem,(etisalat) no no proxy setting in it. i do the proxy setting on my browsers. i want u to add me on either whatsapp or facebook for other help next time. 08108546102 and 09021893019. facebook id is paul j otanwa, thanks.. i will look for the solution or if u have aan alternative u can help me

  9. mine keeps disconnecting and showing error 633

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. am using an unlocked glo bolt modem but yet i cant see any connection detection even when am surfing and connected. pls assist bro

    1. Make sure you are running Reconnect as administrator

  12. pls how can i get the andriod version of this app, coz whenever i download with simple server on my smarthphone it dissconnect it self

    1. Unfortunately, there is no Android app. Only works on PC

  13. Get it RECONNECTING with Hotspot instead of Modem

  14. Hello Dammi my question might be a little different but I need your help desperately. Is it possible to browse with the simple server without any active subscription? If yes what's the config. And secondly how do I brows the net with psiphon on my laptop? Thanks a million I really like your blog.

    1. I don't know of any MTN N0.0 sub at the moment. You have to subscribe to one of the Data plans "BBLITED" @ N70 OR "BBMIDID" @ N100.

      Psiphon only works on Android for now. If you want to browse on your PC i would recommend you use Simple Server.

      Thank you for your positive comment about the blog

    2. Thanks, it works so fine to me Thanks for the developer

  15. Boss can this mtn cheat work on Universal modems???

  16. hey bro, i cant figure out where dis problem is coming from, whenever i try to connect the app, it says error: 678, pls i need ur advise, it usually open tho but then in the log it writes connecting device and then it brings the error response

    1. Is your modem connected without the app? If yes, make sure that in the Reconnect settings, you have selected the correct profile name. Check the steps above

  17. You don't need any special settings to run Reconnect. Just double click the icon and make sure you have selected the correct profile name. (See image in post?

  18. Use the contact form below and send me an email so you can explain better.

  19. @ dammy bas the reconnect doesn't detect any profile in my pc even though i create new MTN NG profile still show no connection available, even when i am connected..please help
